Title: The Alpha’s Arranged Marriage (A Werewolf Protectors Short Story) by Jules Monroe

Published on: February 25, 2021


What will an alpha do when he learns that his mother married him off while he is away in a battle?

🔍 How I Discovered It

Technically, this is a short story. A free one from Jules Monroe’s newsletter.

💭 Thoughts

The Alpha’s Arranged Marriage is set from one of Monroe’s series — Werewolf Protectors series. The series seems to be a non-MPREG and a non-Omegaverse world so I assume this one is the same. Having the knowledge of the novels is not needed, but I think it would have been a lot easier for me to envision the world and the setup had I read at least one of the books. 

The story felt like it was divided into two — the pre-sex and the sex part. I called the first part pre-sex because there really wasn’t much about it other than the description of the tribal feast and how the alpha Oklahoma was a glorious warrior. The second half was just sex, pages after pages of sex. It’s insta-lust and love between Harley and Oklahoma. They went from zero to sixty almost right away. Sadly, the whole insta thing was not my cup of tea. Not even the steamy parts could bring back my attention. I kinda zoned out in the middle of it since I didn’t feel any connection between the two characters. I would have wanted to know more about them, maybe see if they connected beyond their primal instincts.

Or maybe, the fact that I was not familiar with this world mattered too. Everything felt foreign to me.

Either way, the story didn’t work out for me as much as I would have liked to enjoy it.

🥰 Who Would Like It?

Unfortunately, this is not for me. But if you’ve read any books from Jules Monroe before or a fan of werewolves, then maybe this is worth a try.

Main books in the series:

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