Book Title: The Experiment by Rebecca Raine

Published: August 17, 2020

Synopsis (from Goodreads):

When a single kiss calls your sexuality into question, there’s only one sure path to a reliable answer: further research.


I like to think I know myself outside and in. What you see is what you get, and what you get happens to be straight. This is no mere opinion. It’s a fact – tried and tested. So, when I end up kissing my best friend to satisfy a lost bet, I already know I’ll hate every second of it.

Until I don’t.

The intense desire aroused by Logan’s kiss has me asking all sorts of new and exciting questions. Thankfully, as a developmental psychologist, I know exactly how to find the answers I need.


I’ve put a lot of effort into keeping Patrick out of my fantasies and in the friend-zone. Our recent lip-lock may have unleashed my feelings for him temporarily, but I’ll get them back on their platonic track in no time. Falling for a friend, especially a sexually ambivalent friend, is a one-way ticket to heartache.

Then Patrick announces his intention to conduct an experiment into the extent of his bisexuality. I can’t resist volunteering to help. If any man is going to join Patrick on his journey of self-discovery, it’s sure as hell going to be me.

The Experiment is a steamy, best friends to lovers, bisexual awakening, gay for you story with high heat and low angst. It is a standalone novel set in Australia. Swoon-worthy HEA included.

2020 hasn’t been the year of manga and otome games. Sure, I play and read sometimes, but more often than not, I’m just not in the mood. I think I’ve been in this slump since December last year. The good thing is that, since 2019, my love for reading English books returns. I’ve been wary of reading Western MM stories before, but now, I’ve gotten used to them and liked them even.

Sometimes I like surprising myself with a random find. I went to Amazon and this book caught my attention because of its synopsis. I dived in with low expectations, maybe even expecting it to suck, and I resurfaced loving it. Just the book I needed at the moment.

Did I like the book? Absolutely! I only needed something that would give me low-angst and lots of fluffy feels, and Patrick and Logan gave me just that! However, for a bi-awakening story, there aren’t much struggles with Patrick and his sexuality.

Patrick and Logan together are really good. They complement each other well, not only in the bedroom but in their personalities too. They are the type of friends you can’t help but ship together. Having them in the same scene is hot and cute and brings out all the gushy feels.

Patrick is a psychologist working through his PhD papers. He is obsessed with experiments. This ‘experiment’ with Logan is no exception. He treats this as if he is working on with research complete with the research question, methodology, scope and limitations, etc. You get that feel as the book is formatted as that of a research paper. Normally, I hate seeing all those terms, but reading them here made me smile instead.

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